If you you have spent much time searching for a church home, it didn’t take you long to realize the vast differences that exist in those religious bodies.  With all of the different creeds, doctrines and beliefs, many questions are asked.  Questions like, “How should I worship?” or “What should I believe?” or “Does it really matter?”

The Lawnville Road Church of Christ is a church which seeks to cut through the centuries of religious traditions and doctrines of men by going back to the Bible.  We believe the fundamental questions that men ask about religious matters are all answered in the Bible.  Thus, we strive to use the Bible and only the Bible as our sole source of religious authority.  In it we find God’s will for our daily lives, our worship of Him, and man’s salvation.

You will find our services to be conducted in an orderly and reverent fashion. We have acapella congregational singing and prayer. The sermon you hear will be Bible-based…not mere opinion. We partake of the Lord’s supper each Lord’s Day as exemplified by the New Testament church. During the services we also take up a collection to further the work of the church in Kingston, and the rest of the world via our evangelistic missionary efforts (visitors are not expected to contribute).

For more information about our congregation, click here for a brochure about our congregation.  If you would like to speak to someone, have a Bible question, or would like to have a Bible study, please contact us today (include your postal mailing address for bible correspondence course) !

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